Westgate Historic Williamsburg Resort
We traded one of our Marriot weeks for a week stay at Westgate Historic Williamsburg.
It is closer to Colonial Williamsburg than the Marriot properties.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by a ‘very casual’ dressed man introducing himself as the concierge. He proceeded to assist us to our room (not asked to help). Once to the room and luggage unloaded, he ‘stayed’ and made himself home at the counter telling us he had a ‘welcome packet’ to go over.
In reality, he was one of the Westgate salespeople asking for us to schedule a 90 min. appt. to hear about Westgate. Said the perks for listening included the $39.99 weekly WiFi charge, plus various tickets to some of the historical places.
We said we would be there at 9 am the next morning. We arrived at 9am and waited 20 min. before anyone met us.
The first thing they wanted was our financial info of which we declined. Consequently, they refused to continue.
We went back to our room. 15 min. later, a knock on the door. It was the original ‘concierge’/salesperson and the sales marketing mgr. We told them we were not talking anymore and they wanted to know why we left the presentation. (very harassing)
After explaining our refusal to give personal financial info, the sales mgr. told us to stop by and see him to retrieve ‘all’ of our gift certificates he had already printed off to offset all of our inconveniences and the rudeness of his staff. We did and he told us we must listen to his presentation/90min. in order to receive.
We told him we were not interested, so he proceeded to throw in $100 and we declined.
At that point, we told him we were shocked at the unprofessionalism of him and his staff. The sales manager (unshaven, old faded golf shirt too small and dirty tennis shoes) proceeded to tell us he was a millionaire!!! We stood up and left.
Now about the room….no disposal, told to not use ventless dryer since it took 3 times as long, oven bottom was black with grease, folding privacy doors for bathroom completely off track and would not close, shower grout was black with mold, bathroom ceiling lights went on & off/told it was a heat sensor, walls were very scuffed, soiled and chipped. We only stayed since we had driven 12 hours and spent most of our day at Colonial Williamsburg.