Thurnham Hall, Lancashire
Beware of additional charges and lack of facilities.
I’ve stayed here on several occasions; it’s a beautiful place with comfortable accommodation in a great setting. However, additional charges and lack of some facilities will make me pause before coming back:
1. £7.95 for WiFi for 24 hours
2. £ 10 pp for use of the pool
3. No kids in the pool before 10am
4. Breakfast is only available Fri-Mon
5. No Charing to your room- you must pay at the bar at time of ordering
6. No lemonade
7. No ice for drinks
5. No restaurant Mon – Thursdays. You can get bar food but only until 8.30pm.
An example of the frustration that some of this causes: we sat in the lounge area with drinks and asked for the food menu. We went to order but were told we were 3 minuets late so no food. At no point did any of the staff alert us to the fact that lasts orders for food was approaching. There is no reference to the 8.30pm deadline on the menu or posted anywhere visible; we were forced to order from a Chinese take-away in Lancaster. NB. The long list of resort information you receive at check highlights timings alongside fire drill procedures etc. – but who reads this after an 8 hour car journey when all you want to do is relax and recover.
Overall, although Thurman Hall has the appearance of an up market resort, it’s policies give it the feel of something much more budget – like taking an Easy Jet flight and realising at check in that everything other that your actual seat attracts an additional charge